Tuesday 14 July 2015

My money saving tips & tricks!

I just thought I would share some money saving tips & tricks that really help me when it comes to buying new things x

Take a look at this size chart from newlook, if you look at womens size 8 and 10 and teens age 13, 14/15. The size dimensions are very similar so if you are a size 10 or below I would definitely recommend having a look in the teens section before you purchase clothes in the womens as you could be saving yourself money every time you buy!

 The above items aren't exactly the same but are pretty similar, if you purchase it in the teens section its only £17.99 but in the womens its £22.99.

These tops are exactly the same as Ive seen them in store, you might only be saving yourself £1 but its still something and can go towards even more clothes hehe!

Also make sure you check out teen shoes in newlook as they go up to a UK size 7, so do many other retailers like Lacoste and Nike they go up to a UK Size 6.
These are pretty much the same, and the price difference is £30. When you are purchasing why not check the kids section when you could be saving this sort of money!

Also a tip on buying RayBan sunglasses...

        If  you have a look at the frame specification at the bottom of each as you can see there isn't a massive difference in the size. I purchased both because I wasn't sure which one I could go for, there wasn't a big different in the size of these sunglasses but I did find the junior ones fit me a lot better and didn't slide off of my head like most sunglasses! I understand that the junior ones may not fit so I would definitely suggest purchasing them both and sending on back because if the junior ones fit you will be saving £66 xxx

Thanks for reading, let me know what you think. Do you have any tips and tricks?  xxx


  1. Hey! I don't have my own blog but this is a really interesting post =) i'll definitely be trying this in the future

  2. Wonderful post...I like your blog.^^
    Maybe follow each other on bloglovin?
    Let me know follow you then back.
    Lovely greets Nessa

    1. Thanks alot :) Yes of course ill follow you now xx

  3. Really useful tips, the many perks of having slightly smaller feet :')

    //teandtwosugars.blogspot.com xx

  4. This is all very helpful if you don't have a large bust and big feet!
    Great tips anyhow

    Jenn | Jennifer Jayne

  5. These are some great tips

  6. Amazing post dear!

