Saturday 5 September 2015

Benefit brow bar review for scarred eyebrows before and after - Leeds Whiterose

I have always felt self conscious about my eyebrows as my right eyebrow has a scar right smack bang in the middle of it due to an accident as a kid. When I got older I used to pluck my eyebrows until there was hardly any left, just so the scar wasn't as noticeable and so they looked a bit more even.

So I decided to stop moaning, colouring it in, plucking the heck out of them and actually do something about it!

I had a look into many different salons that do eyebrows and just couldn't find one I felt confident going to. Browsing the Benefit website (as I always do) I saw that they do eyebrows and tailor to uneven ones as well as many others check out their site, I looked straight for my closest brow bar which was in Debenhams Whiterose Leeds. I would recommend ringing them and making an appointment though as they are always busy and if you just turn up you could be waiting several hours.

This is what they looked like before

I booked in for a wax and tint, when I got there she sat me down straight away I didn't have to wait. She discussed with me how dark I was wanting my eyebrows, we decided on a medium brown as I didn't want my eyebrows too dark! The tint went on straight away for about 2 minutes and she wiped it off, then she showed me them in a mirror to see if I liked the colour. After that she started shaping my eyebrows using a technique they call mapping. She started waxing and plucking, OMG did it hurt but I clenched my teeth and got on with it. She showed me them in a mirror after she finished and I was honestly amazed, it only cost me £19.50 too (bargain!)
You can't even see my scar any more. They were a bit red for a few hours mind but I hid inside after haha.

She recommended using Gimmebrow instead of the Browzings powder if the scar decides to make an appearance again as the powder tends to rub off.

Here's a couple of holiday pics you can see what my eyebrows look like after using the Gimmebrow

Thanks for reading xxx


  1. wow your eyebrows look amazing now!
    I have to say your scar doesn't look as bad as you think though, we tend to be our own harshest critics!
    glad you are happier now though :)

  2. That's such a difference your brows look so nice! I need to give this product a go I love benefit products

    1. Thanks :) Yes would defo recommend they are amazing x

  3. Wow that is amazing! I have never used brow products before, but willing to give it a try. Thanks for sharing! XO, Ellese

  4. wow! I want brows like these! Will need to make myself an appointment too!
    Pam xo/ Pam Scalfi♥

    1. Wow! Your eyebrows look amazing!
      Seems like it's a good product. :)
      xx Anna Lea
